​​Youth Cam​​p Covid-19 Information


MDH issued a new directive and order 

06.30.2021 MDH - Notice - Face Covering Recommendations

2021.06.15.01 Amended Directive and Order Regulating Certain Businesses and Facilities

This Amended Directive and Order replaces and supersedes the Directive and Order Regulating Certain Businesses and Facilities & General Directives Concerning Limiting the Spread of COVID-19 dated May 14, May 12, May 04, April 28, and March 09, 2021.​

​​All youth camp operators are directed to follow all applicable federal guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on this subject and, where applicable, all youth camp operators are directed to follow all applicable federal guidance by the CDC on this subject and, where applicable, the Response to a Confirmed Case of COVID-19 and Persons with COVID-19 Symptoms in Schools from the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) MD-School-Reopening-Guidance and MDH (updated May 2021 or as updated).

MDH​ Youth Camp FAQ 05.28.21
