Behavioral Surveillance

Information is needed about risk behaviors among groups of persons at high-risk for HIV infection, trends in these behaviors over time, and exposure to and use of HIV prevention services. The three largest high-risk groups that information will be collected on are men who have sex with men (MSM), injecting drug users (IDU), and high-risk heterosexuals (HET).  The information collected can help explain trends in new HIV diagnoses and living HIV cases. These data can also be used to evaluate prevention programs and direct future HIV prevention activities.


HIV Behavioral Surveillance for the Baltimore-Towson metropolitan area is conducted as a collaboration between the Maryland Department of Health and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and operates as the BEhavioral SUrveillance REsearch Study or BESURE.

For additional information on BESURE:

For additional information on national reports:

​ Highlighted publications:


 ​Publication List: Behavioral-Surveillance-National-Publications-List-2021

For additional information on local reports and scientific publications:​

Reports: ​​




Publication List: BESURE-Publications-Local-List-2021

Community Presentation Materials - June 28, 2019

Community Presentation Materials - February 14, 2018

Community Presentation Materials - July 9, 2015


Sankofa Conversations - May 2, 2014


Community Presentation Materials - April 28, 2014


Community Presentation Materials - May 6, 2013


Community Presentation Materials - May 7, 2012


Community Presentation Materials - May 16, 2011