Interactive Cancer–Related Data for Maryland

Interactive cancer-related data for Maryland provides links to sites, both Maryland State and United States where data can be extracted, examined, and printed in table format. Instructions for how to perform queries along with information about data quality are provided by the Web site.

Maryland Assessment Tool for Community Health (MATCH)
Includes data on births, deaths, populations and hospitalizations.

Maryland Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (opens in new window)
Interactive query of health risks in Maryland, including links to Maryland Youth Tobacco Survey and the Maryland Cancer Survey.

Maryland Environmental Public Health Tracking
Environmental and health data resources including maps, data and tables, and indicators of health and environmental quality.

Maryland Department of Planning, Division of Strategic Development, Maryland State Data Center (SDC)
Data source and on-line mapping feature of Census Bureau data to monitor development trends, analyzes social, economic and other characteristics and prepares population, housing, employment, labor force, and income projections, which provide the baseline for planning for growth and development in the state.

Agency for Health Research and Quality
Baseline data and tools to help monitor status of local safety nets in providing health care to low-income and other vulnerable populations.

Cancer Control Planet
Interactive source of cancer-related information in a variety of formats with a flexible user interface. (National Cancer Institute, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, American Cancer Society, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.)

CDC Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
National and state-level interactive queries of databases from the BRFSS telephone survey that tracks health risks by state, including prevalence and trends.

CDC WONDER - Incidence
Federal statistics on cancer incidence from registries having high-quality data.

CDC WONDER - Mortality
Queries of compressed mortality data for the nation, states, and counties, 1979-present.

National Cancer Institute, State Cancer Profiles
Interactive statistics including maps/graphs for prioritizing cancer control efforts in the nation, states, and counties, including rate/trend comparisons, death and incidence rates, historical trends, screening and risk factors.