Birth Defects Reporting and Information System (BDRIS)

Program Components


  • Implement and maintain a population based surveillance database to systematically report, collect and analyze reported birth defect data
  • Identify potential environmental causes of birth defects
  • Geographically identify types and trends of birth defects in the State of Maryland
  • Ensure timely reporting


  • Distribute Folic Acid educational material to health care providers, community health care centers providing Pediatrics and OB services, and for use by the general public.
  • Actively participate in National Folic Acid Awareness Week and Birth Defects Prevention Month
  • Develop and disseminate educational brochures on birth defects to Health Care Providers, Community Health Care Centers providing Pediatrics and OB services, and the general public.


  • Ensure confidentiality of reported information as governed by HIPPA Law
  • Participate in research studies with external agencies. (National Birth Defect Prevention Network)
  • Collaboratively work with the Maryland Environmental Public Health Tracking Department to ensure availability and accuracy of information collected through the BDRIS system regarding birth defects trends, public health studies, and environmental monitoring on its' web site for use by health care providers and the general public
  • Ensure availability of birth defect information on the DHMH website