Regional Network Leader (RNL)

The Regional Network Leader (RNL) is a component under the Core Violence and Injury Prevention Program (VIPP) funded by the Centers for Disease control and Prevention (CDC), and is led by the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.  The purpose of the RNL is to provide structured assistance to all states within the Federal Health and Human Services regions III and V, build capacity, increase competency, increase regional sharing of data and best practices, and increase research-practice collaboration to support and enhance sustainability of injury prevention programs.

RNL includes the following 12 states: 

Region 3: Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington D.C., West Virginia.
Region 5: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin.  

Strategic Advisory Board

The Strategic Advisory Board (SAB) was created to facilitate regional cooperation within
the RNL.  The SAB is currently comprised of state injury prevention directors, Injury Control Research Center directors (designees), chairs of established Injury Community Planning Groups (ICPG) in the region, and the president of the Midwest Injury Prevention Alliance.

The objectives of the SAB are as follows:

  • To strengthen national and regional coordination of injury and violence prevention efforts through information exchange and multisectoral cooperation.
  • To advocate for additional resources for injury and violence prevention.
  • To support assessment of the magnitude of injury and violence within states and the region and the type and breath of injury prevention initiatives within states in the region.
  • To facilitate and support dissemination of best practices in injury and violence prevention.
  • To promote State and regional capacity development on injury and violence prevention

The SAB is governed by a Terms of Reference.


Meetings are held monthly via conference call. Calls are held on the last Thursday of every month.  During calls, either a presentation is given by select members or a quest, and/or discussions are held on specific violence and injury prevention topics based on the interest of members. The SAB meets at least once per year in person. In-person meetings may be held in conjunction with other CDC meetings or regional meetings/trainings, or as separate events.

Injury Prevention Webinar Series

Falls Prevention for Seniors: Resources & Promising Practices, October 30, 2013

Prescription Drug Abuse, March 27, 2014

Violence Prevention Webinar Series Part I Jan. 23, 2015

For more information please contact Joyce Dantzler, RNL Lead, at or 410-767-1372.